CSS 基础训练 1

2017, Nov 16    

课程视频链接: CSS Essential Training 1 @ LinkedIn Learning

1. Getting Started

2. CSS Core

3. Typography

  • Web-safe fonts and the font-family property

    Serif, Sans-serif, Monospace, Cursive, Fantasy

    Font Resource 1:Web-safe fonts

  • Web fonts and Google fonts

    Font Resource 2:Using font face

    Font Resource 3:Free font generator

    Font Resource 4:Google Fonts

  • The font-size property

    font-size 设置文本的大小,值有 px, em, rem

  • Practicing with web fonts and font-size


  • The font-style and font-weight properties

    font-weight 设置文本的粗细,值有 normal, bold, lighter, bolder

    font-style 指定文本的字体样式,值有 normal, italic

  • The color, line-height, and text properties

    color 规定文本的颜色,值有 keyword, hex code, rgb

    line-height 设置行间的距离,值有 px, %, ems, rems, unitless

    text-decoration 规定添加到文本的修饰,值有 none, underline, overline, line-through

    text-transform 控制文本的大小写,值有 none, capitalize, uppercase, lowercase

    text-align 规定元素中的文本的水平对齐方式,值有 left, right, center, justify

4. Layout